
dimecres, 23 d’abril del 2008


Per al meu gust, provablement la millor cançó d’aquests anys de Brit Pop. Mentre els Oasis i els Blur es barallaven per veure quina era ‘la millor banda de la història’, van aparèixer Jarvis Cocker i companyia amb una actitud elegantíssima i els va passar per la cara aquest tema sublim. Grandíssim.

She came from Greece, she had a thirst for knowledge, She studied sculpture at St Martin's collage. That's where I... Caught her eye. She told me that her Dad was loaded. I said "In that case I'll have rum and coca-cola." She said "Fine,"... And then in thirty seconds time she said: "I want to live like common people, I want to do whatever common people do. I want to sleep with common people, I want to sleep with common people like you." Oh what else could I do? I said "I'll see what I can do."

I took her to a supermarket I don't know why, but I had to start it somewhere, so it started... there. I said "Pretend you've got no money." But she just laughed an said "Oh you're so funny." I said "Yeah? Well I can't see anyone else smiling in here. Are you sure you want to live like common people? You want to see whatever common people see? You want to sleep with common people? You want to sleep with common people like me?" But she didn't ... understand. She just smiled and held my hand.

Rent a flat above a shop. Cut your hair and get a job. Smoke some fags and play some pool. Pretend you never went to school. But still you'll never get it right `cos when you're laid in bed at night watching roaches climb the wall. If you called your dad he could stop it all yeah. You'll never live like common people, You'll never do what ever common people do, You'll never fail like common people, You'll never watch your life slide out of view, and then dance, and drink, and screw, because there's nothing else to do. Sing along with the common people. Sing along and it might just get you through. Laugh along with the common people. Laugh along even though they're laughing at you and the stupid things that you do because you think that poor is cool.

Like a dog lying in a corner, they will bite you and never warn you. Look out. They'll tear your insides out `cos everybody hates a tourist, especially one who thinks it's all such a laugh. Yeah and the chip stain and grease will come out in the bath. You will never understand how it feels to live your life with no meaning or control and with nowhere left to go. You are amazed that they exist and they burn so bright whilst you can only wonder why.

Rent a flat above a shop. Cut your hair and get a job. Smoke some fags and play some pool. Pretend you never went to school. But still you'll never get it right `cos when you're laid in bed at night watching roaches climb the wall. If you called your dad he could stop it all yeah. Never live like common people. Never do what common people do. Never fail like common people. Never watch your life .... slide out of view and then dance, and drink, .... and screw because there's nothing else to do. I want to live with common people like you...

Ella va venir de Grècia. Tenia set de coneixements. Va estudiar escultura al Saint Martin’s Collage. És allà on li vaig posar l’ull. Em va explicar que el seu pare estava forrat. Jo li vaig dir “bé, en aquest cas, prendré un rom amb coca-cola”. Ella va contestar-me “perfecte”. I, en menys de trenta segons em va dir: “vull viure com la gent corrent, vull fet el que fa la gent corrent, vull anar a llit amb gent corrent, vull anar al llit amb gent corrent com tú”. I, què podia fer jo? Vaig dir, “ja veuré què puc fer-hi”.

Vaig dur-la al supermercat, no sé per què, però havia de començar en algun lloc, i vaig començar... allà. Li vaig dir: “fes com si no tinguessis diners” . I ella senzillament va somriure i va dir. “ets molt divertit”. I jo vaig dir-li: “ah, sí? Doncs jo no veig a ningú més rient per aquí”. “Estàs segura que vols viure com la gent corrent, que vols veure el que la gent corrent veu, que vols anar al llit amb gent corrent, que vols anar al llit amb gent corrent com ara jo?” Però ella no entenia. Senzillament, va somriure i em va agafar de la mà.
Lloga un pis a sobre una botiga. Talla’t els cabells i busca feina. Fuma’t uns pitis i juga al billar. Fes veure que mai has anat a escola. Però no crec que ho facis bé, perquè quan estiguis de nit al llit, tot veient com els escarabats pugen per la paret i si truquessis al papa, ell ho podria aturar tot. Mai viuràs com la gent corrent, mai faràs el que fa la gent corrent. Mai fracassaràs com fracassa la gent corrent. Mai no veuràs com s’esvaeix la teva vida. I aleshores, ballaràs, beuràs i follaràs, perquè no hi ha res més que fer. Canta amb la gent corrent, canta i et ficaràs entre ells. Riu amb la gent corrent. Riu encara que es fotin de tu, i de les coses estúpides que fas, perquè penses que ser pobre és guay.
Com un gos, tombat en una cantonada, et mossegaran i no t’avisaran . Estigues atenta. Et treuran els bodells, perquè tothom odia els turistes, especialment a aquells que pensen que tot és meravellós. Sí, i aquestes taques de patates fregides greixoses apareixeran al bany. Mai entendràs que se sent al viure la teva vida sense sentit ni control, sense cap lloc on anar-hi. Estàs flipada que existeixi aquesta gent i ells es mosquegen mentre tu et preguntes per què.

Lloga un pis a sobre una botiga. Talla’t els cabells i busca feina. Fuma’t uns pitis i juga al billar. Fes veure que mai has anat a escola. Però no crec que ho facis bé, perquè quan estiguis de nit al llit, tot veient com els escarabats pugen per la paret i si truquessis al papa, ell ho podria aturar tot. Mai viuràs com la gent corrent, mai faràs el que fa la gent corrent. Mai fracassaràs com fracassa la gent corrent. Mai no veuràs com s’esvaeix la teva vida. I aleshores, ballaràs, beuràs i follaràs, perquè no hi ha res més que fer.